Sunday, August 05, 2007

I'm a Black Sheep

My first few days at work were no more than a chillout! This is just my kinda place. Sitting on a beanbag, chatting and having three-hour lunch breaks! Heehaw!

But I've really been down lately. My writing has almost come to a standstill. No more work done on the novel. Although oddly enough I found myself starting a new short story yesterday. I discovered an old piece I had written and suddenly realized that I wanted to write it as a story. It's about a teenage boy's "relationship" with God and it's called Nancy's Wine.

I also have come up with a nice little idea of a short bedtime tale that I began telling my sweetheart on the phone. All I'm going to say about it is that involves a Star. But in honesty that the last thing I need, is to start more new stories! I need to END them! I've got several stories around awiting completion.

For those interested in Elham, the new program is being finalized and will be announced by the middle of this month. We are still looking for people to showcase their work in our monthly meetings, so if you're keen, give us a shout at


Unknown said...

Your new job is great! for a writer probably...
The name of the new story is kinda strange considering its theme, very interesting:)
As for not finishing the stories, I say just grab one and don't leave it until it's finished...

Ali Al Saeed said...

Well, it beats sitting behind a desk all day long!

Yes, the name is odd, but once you read the story, hopefully it'll make more sense.

Sadly, I just can't do that. The more I time I spent trying to force a story out, the worse it gets!