So here is a sneak peak at the work in progress. I'll add a few bits here and there on this layout but generally, that's the look I'm going for. What'dya think?
By the way, some relatively good news. I managed to save some documents from my damaged hard drive. The most important ones at least! Here is what I was able to retrieve:
- Against (novel) work in progress
- Buried (novel) work in progress
- About 80% of my short stories and poems
- New book project (manuscript)
- Pillow (children's story) work in progress
- QuixotiQ rewrite manuscript (in progress)
I did lose 15 pages of new material of a feature-length screenplay I was working on and some other bits and pieces here and there, including the latest draft of script for a short film.
Very nice. I definitely prefer the new look.
Hey, Cavan, thanks for the vote of confidence... now I just have to go and finish what I started!
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