You can learn more about Phoebe and her work here, or here. Phoebe has done a portrait of me a few weeks ago. It was an oddly intriguing experience which I rather enjoyed. I'm told that my portrait will be exhibited at the show! What more incentive you need to go now?
I'll also try to link up my article for Ohlala in the December issue which chronicled that drawing session with Phoebe.
The Culture and National Heritage Sector
is pleased to invite you to attend artist Phoebe Boswell’s exhibition
To launch her book, 'Bahrainona : Drawing From Life'
On Sunday, January 7th, 2007 at 7.00pm
At the Art Centre, near the Bahrain National Museum.
For more information, contact Phoebe on 36647234
is pleased to invite you to attend artist Phoebe Boswell’s exhibition
To launch her book, 'Bahrainona : Drawing From Life'
On Sunday, January 7th, 2007 at 7.00pm
At the Art Centre, near the Bahrain National Museum.
For more information, contact Phoebe on 36647234
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